Transform your text into visually stunning multimedia directly from your web browser. Easily include songs, background music, and engrossing sound effects into your playlists, films, and podcasts to enhance them. Create captivating narratives using subtitles and narrations to transform any project into an engaging work of art in a matter of clicks.
Browse through our stock library of royalty-free music tracks. Applause, cheers, background noises, and other effects may quickly improve your recordings and draw in viewers. Eliminate unneeded filler words and background noise from your audio with a single click, ensuring consistently high-quality, professional-caliber content.
Put audio in a video: Make multi-media works of art
How to add audio to your video:
Upload or start with a new template
Upload your MP3 audio and video to Snapy or you can start with video template.
Combine tracks, split, and rearrange
Snapy provides a drag-and-drop interface with an intuitive timeline for simple modification of audio and video tracks. Using the split and cut tools, you can easily move, divide, and rearrange songs by dragging and dropping them over the timeline.
Export your file
To guarantee the best possible quality for both your audio and video, export your work or continue exploring our extensive collection of expert video editing tools.

Watch this to learn more about how to add music to video:

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The ideal instrument for producers of video podcasts!

With its extensive collection of excellent video editing tools, Snapy makes content production quick and enjoyable. Make video podcasts with ease that can be shared on a variety of social networking sites. Store your produced films as templates so you may quickly edit them for other projects. Add animations, music visualizers, and plenty of additional elements to your content—all accessible from a single, integrated platform.
Royalty-free stock library: Add music to video

Enhance your content with a rich selection of background music, sound effects, and more sourced from our extensive stock audio and video library. With thousands of high-quality audio tracks at your disposal, you can effortlessly craft engaging and professional-grade content for your social media campaigns. Our stock media collection is carefully chosen by talented sound designers and video creators from across the globe. Unlock full access to our stock media library and audio cleaner by becoming one of our premium subscribers.
A simple with that lets you create content more quickly

Take control of the music you hear. Choose the exact times at which your music starts and stops. You can easily cut your audio clips, remove audio from films, rearrange numerous tracks across different layers, and yes, even play two different audio tracks simultaneously over your video using our user-friendly Timeline tool! Adjust the loudness of every song to achieve the perfect balance. Quickly and easily generate material of studio quality.
1. What is is an AI-powered video editing platform designed to automatically trim silent and quiet parts of your videos, simplifying the editing process and enhancing video content quality.
2. Is completely free?While offers a free version, advanced features and capabilities might require a subscription. The free version is available during our Beta phase.
3. What video formats does support? supports various video formats, including MP4 and other common video file types.
4. Can I use for bulk processing or commercial use?Yes, is suitable for both individual and bulk video processing. For commercial purposes, consider our subscription plans for more advanced features.
5. What's the maximum video resolution/file size supported by, supports videos up to 1 GB in size.
7. How does the AI in process videos? uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze the audio track of the video, identifying silent or quiet segments and trimming them accordingly.
8. How can I adjust sensitivity settings in the moment, the sensitivity settings are managed by our AI to ensure optimal video output. However, we do have options for you to pass custom values for your use case.
9. How do I cancel my subscription?You can cancel your subscription through your account settings or by contacting our support team at
10. Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with, if you're not satisfied and have used less than 30% of the service, you can request a refund. Please refer to our refund policy for more details.
11. Is the subscription renewal automatic?Yes, subscriptions renew automatically. If you wish to stop the renewal, ensure you cancel your subscription before the next billing cycle.
12. Do you offer any yearly or lifetime plans for, we offer monthly plans. While there's no yearly plan, our lifetime plan offers significant savings for long-term users.
13. How is my video data stored and protected on are securely stored on the cloud, and they're removed once processing is completed. We prioritize data security and employ advanced measures to protect your content.
14. Are there any discounts available for larger teams or enterprises?For bulk subscriptions or enterprise inquiries, please contact our sales team for customized pricing and offers.
15. How can I contact customer support for any issues or inquiries?You can reach our support team at for any questions or assistance.
16. Are there any tutorials or guides on how to use effectively?Yes, you can find some demos here:
17. How long does the video processing usually take?Processing time varies based on video length and complexity. However, our AI is optimized for quick and efficient video processing. Some overview: 🎬 Video Duration ➡️ Processing Time ⏱️ 3 mins ➡️ 5 mins ⏱️ 3-6 mins ➡️ 7 mins ⏱️ 6-12 mins ➡️ 10 mins ⏱️ 12-24 mins ➡️ 20 mins ⏱️ 24-48 mins ➡️ 30 mins ⏱️ 48-60 mins ➡️ 40 mins ⏱️ 1 hr+ ➡️ 🚫 Not supported
18. What's the difference between the free and paid versions of free version offers basic video editing capabilities and smaller length video, while the paid version unlocks advanced features, faster processing, and priority support.
19. Can I use on mobile devices?Yes, is accessible via web browsers on mobile devices, providing a seamless editing experience across platforms.
20. How often are new features or improvements added to continuously work on improving, with updates and new features being rolled out regularly based on user feedback and technological advancements.
21. Is there a community or forum for users?Yes, please join our discord channel:
22. What should I do if I encounter an error while processing a video?In most cases, you will get to know when a video processing fails and why. If your job is stuck. Please contact our support team with details of the issue, and we'll work promptly to resolve it.
23. Can I suggest features or improvements for! We value user feedback and encourage suggestions to enhance our platform.
24. How does handle videos with multiple silent segments?Our AI algorithm detects all silent segments within a video and trims them, ensuring a streamlined and engaging video output.
25. Are there any restrictions on the content I can process with should ensure their content adheres to copyright laws and community guidelines. Uploading copyrighted or inappropriate material is prohibited.
26. Does add any watermarks to the processed videos?No, does not add watermarks to your videos.
27. How can I collaborate with others using, is designed for individual use. Collaborative features may be introduced in future updates.
28. Are there any integrations available with other tools or platforms?We're exploring integrations with popular platforms and tools. Announcements will be made as new integrations become available.
29. What payment methods does accept?We accept payments through Stripe, supporting most major credit and debit cards.
30. How can I retrieve my password if I forget it?On the login page, click on the "Forgot Password" option and follow the instructions to reset your password.